Service Logistics Forum

21.4 Webinar Additive manufacturing for service spare parts

Webinar: Additive manufacturing for service spare parts

Date:         21 April 2021
Time:        15.00 - 16.00 hrs
Location:  Online

By Hans van Waveren and Astrid Mulders

How to get a new look on additive manufacturing within (service) operations to become a strategic lever for growths? In only one hour, three inspiring presenters told their story about the advantages for additive manufacturing that they experience in their daily business.

After an introduction about the SLF for the Belgian participants, Ruben Coetsier opened the content part of the webinar with an introduction to digital technologies applied in service.  Ruben, senior manager at PWC Belgium, outlined the eight topics that drive the industrial revolution at the moment: AI, AR, VR, Blockchain, Drones, IoT, Robotics, and ofcourse, 3D printing. In addition, he mentioned a series of bottlenecks that organizations have to deal with in order to keep up with these revolutionary developments, with the main reasons: lack of digital culture, training , vision and supportdigital know-how.

Alexander Bours, co-founder of DiMaNex, advocated their software proposition: digital inventory a solution for current supply chain challenges. With their software, organizations can build a digital inventory which can serve as a basis for printing spare parts. In the Q&A afterwards, Alexander explained that the biggest reason for slowing down the pace of technical development, is (the mindset of) people. And how it is technically possible to print almost all parts and materials, but this is not always the most economical solution.

The final presenter, Salih Boysan, senior manager at Electrolux, took us into their challenging world of spare parts and clearly indicated where the benefits lie. After a case study for 100 spare parts, they discover and overall cost reduction of 10%, lead time reduction from 6 to 2 weeks, supplier reduction and cost avoidance on tool investments.

During the Q&A it was obvious that additive manufacturing is a topic that is very much alive in the world of service and that there is still a lot to discover there for most participants.

Special thanks to Ruben, Alexander and Salih for sharing your experience in additive manufacturing with us. This webinar was organized in co-operation with BEMAS, the Belgian Maintenance Association.

You can review the webinar via our partner BEMAS: The slide presentation can be found in our knowledge database.

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