Webinar “Preventive maintenance for new systems using multi-objective optimization”: Creating a preventive maintenance concept for new systems considering cost and downtime simultaneously.
This webinar was built around the Master's thesis of Joep Hoedemakers on preventive maintenance optimization. Joep won the won the 2020 SLF Thesis Award.
After his graduation at the Technical University Eindhoven, Joep has joined KSE Process Technology as a Simulation Engineer. His master thesis was a result of his internship at Lely, reason why we have asked Oscar Moens, senior project manager at Lely, to address in this webinar the practical relevance of this study as part of the maintenance innovation at Lely. At the university Joep was supervised by assistant professor Claudia Fecarotti. She addresses this smart maintenance solution in an academic perspective.
After a short introduction of Ben Gräve, former chairman of SLF, Joep starts the webinar with more insight to his thesis than just his one-minute pitch during last year’s summit. Step by step, he talks the participants through the process of his research and the content of his thesis. What are the six steps for developing and implementing a new maintenance concept?
Oscar Moers, then takes over and explains how Joep’s thesis benefits Lely: How did the research of Joep influence the maintenance developments at Lely? Oscar tells what the problems were at Lely and how the new concept was implemented at Lely. He explains that the new maintenance concept is a custom-made model; It gives farmers, the customers of Lely, a choice on how they want to organize the maintenance of their Lely machines: pay more for maximum uptime or pay a less and accept a little more downtime.
Last but not least Claudia Fecarotti addresses how the research of Joep was used to build on in taking CBM to the next step forward.
It was a very interesting webinar and inspiring to to see that a master thesis like this has not only contributed to a better academic insight, but has also led to a practical contribution in the smart maintenance business model development in Lely.
You can re-view the webinar in the video below. The slide presentation can be found in our knowledge database.